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6 kleine Geheimnisse über Katzen, die dich zu einem echten Katzenbesitzer machen!

Nov 12, 2021

Es gibt viele Katzenbesitzer da draußen, aber wissen Sie wirklich etwas über Katzen? Katzen sind nicht so einfach, wie es scheint. Hinter ihrem niedlichen Äußeren verbergen sich einzigartige Geheimnisse, die die meisten Menschen nicht kennen, aber wenn du sie kennst, bist du ein echter Katzenbesitzer!


 Cats have 24 more bones than humans

Pooper scoopers who have had cats must have seen that cats can shrink into a box several times smaller than their own bodies, and this all depends on its 230 bones.


 The average cat's sense of smell is more sensitive than the average dog's sense of smell 

It is a well-known thing that dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell, and many working dogs can help their owners find things through their sense of smell, but in fact, the average cat's sense of smell is more sensitive than the average dog's sense of smell, only because of its solitary character humans cannot train it as a working cat.


 The body temperature of cats is around 38℃-39.5℃

The normal human body temperature is around 36℃-37℃, while the cat's body temperature is a little higher than that of humans, so that the pooper scooper is like holding a hand-warming handbag in the winter when jerking off the cat, especially comfortable.


 Cats can run at a speed of 50 km/h - 60 km/h

Said you may not believe, sprint world champion Bolt actually can not run the cat, Bolt's instantaneous speed is almost 45 km / h, while the cat can reach 50 km / h - 60 km / h, running up Bolt even the cat's ass can not see.


 Cats have unique nose prints

Just like human fingerprints, cats have unique nose prints, except that there is no special organization to record the identity of cats.


 Cats have better hearing than dogs

Just because a dog listens doesn't mean its hearing is better than a cat's. The cat ignores you when you call it not because it can't hear, but because it hears but doesn't want to pay attention to you.


>> The tricolor cat must be a female

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