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The tricolor cat must be a female

Jun 28, 2021

If you don't believe me, take a look at the cats around you。

As long as the coat has more than three colours, it must be a female cat, but the pattern of tiger spots can only be counted as one, generally speaking the so-called three colours are black, red ( orange ), white。

In addition, some special breeds must be female cats, such as the tortoise-coated cat and blue cream, both of which can be classified as tricolour cats if you take a closer look.

Why does a tricolour cat have to be a female cat?

Because the gene that controls tricolour is together with the gene that controls sex, we call it a sex-linked gene, so a tricolour cat must be a female ㄚ, but is there a tricolour male cat? In the case of genetic abnormalities, male cats may still be tricoloured, but most will have reproductive problems.

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